Name: Scott Oberstaedt
Birthday: February 24
Hometown: Forked River, NJ but I’ve lived in Boston, St. Louis, NYC, Philadelphia, DC and now Arlington since 2022.
What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?
Not for many years. I did not seriously work out from the ages of 14 to 36, when I moved to New York City and decided that I needed to do something to improve my bad health. I started with biking loops in Central Park, and I then joined a road bike group that did long-distance weekend rides from Manhattan to Nyack and Bear Mountain. I then picked up running in 2008 when my brother-in-law dared me to run the NYC Marathon and I stupidly accepted the challenge. I’ve been trying to stay active ever since.
When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?
In April 2024 via promotions at my apartment building.
What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?
Completing the NYC Marathon twice – the first time to say I did it, and the second time to improve on my time. It seemed an impossible task before I did it. It took almost a full year to train for it but by sticking to the schedule (even running long training runs while on vacation) I proved that anyone with enough time and willpower could do it.
What is your favorite exercise(s)?
I still run about five days a week but nothing beats a good nature walk.
What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?
I don’t listen to music when running or working out. The greatest musical act of all time is Talking Heads.
What is your favorite sports team?
Philadelphia Eagles (from my childhood) and NY Red Bulls (from my 20 or so years living in and around NYC). You’ll see me wearing soccer jerseys from all over the world – it’s not that I’m a fan of all those teams; I collect most of them as souvenirs.
Who is your favorite athlete?
No favorite athlete but I am most in awe of endurance athletes, like Tour de France riders or those who run Badwater.
Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?
I’m an avid reader and international soccer viewer.
What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning?
The outdoors element and the regularity of it. It’s not always enjoyable to get up and dressed before 6 am to go work out in freezing cold or sweltering heat but knowing it’s on the calendar means I have to do it, and once I do it I always feel good about doing it and committing to it.
What are the biggest benefits of being a member?
The other people and camaraderie of seeing others also trying to be their best selves physically in a non-intimidating environment.
What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?
You are not too old! I’m 53 years old. ASC is the first time I’ve taken classes in strength and conditioning and the first time in 15 years that I have taken a running class. I can’t lift as much or run as fast as most people but there’s no judgement and everyone is in it together. In that way it’s a very supportive environment.