Name: Jim Layton
Nicknames: Jimmy, Jimbo
Birthday (day and month only): August 8
Hometown: Gig Harbor, WA
What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?
“I have always loved sports of all kinds. If there was a sport, we did it. As the middle of three boys, we had daily competitions and more than occasional fisticuffs. Tennis, golf, pickle ball (I grew up within about 20 miles of the original court), football, basketball, soccer, snow skiing, water skiing, and fishing…there are probably more.”
When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?
“I think it was in the fall of 2011 and became a regular in 2012. At the time, my solo workouts were stagnating. I was a member of Gold’s gym, saw the lively group workouts and was intrigued, and just wandered in one day.”
What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?
“Cue up the song ‘Glory Days’ from Bruce Springsteen, please. In my youth it was probably lettering in high school football, basketball, and soccer. More recently, it’s been learning to kiteboard and whitewater kayak and incorporating those into some pretty cool trips.”
What is your favorite exercise(s)?
“Lunges or fast feet over the line. That line is higher than you think.”
What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?
“Rocky Theme Song, Gonna Fly Now, by Bill Conti, or Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Pete, please add to your playlist!”
What is your favorite sports team?
“Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Supersonics”
Who is your favorite athlete?
“Lionel Messi”
Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?
“I like to learn new lifetime sports. Next up, I aspire to learn to wing foil or slack line over a pool…. “
What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning? What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?
“I like the variety of exercises and the instruction. ASC always hits the major muscle groups, but also incorporates exercises that challenge your agility and mobility in ways you would never do on your own. I’ve noticed that I’m not only getting stronger, but I’m also feeling a lot more flexible and agile. In addition, Pete is there to correct your form and give you induvial pointers to maximize your time. It’s a fun group, we have some good laughs, which makes you want to keep coming.”
What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?
“Sign up and show up. If you can just get there, the workouts are planned for you and the group momentum just takes you away. Before you know it, the workout is over.”