Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Jessenia Gonzalez

Name: Jessenia Gonazlez

Nickname: Jess

Birthday: October 7

Hometown: “Although born in Nicaragua, I moved to NOVA when I was young, so technically, it’s my hometown.”

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up? 

“In high school, I played softball but was not very good.  Ironically, I hated running so I am proof that people can change.  So growing up, I was not really into sports, it came more as an adult.”

When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group? 

“On a Thursday evening at Quincy Park.  It popped up on my feed and another friend from Arlington Track Crew mentioned the group. When I saw Pete’s post about offering strength classes (which I was lacking),and after having gone to one of his classes, I reached out to ask more about it and now I have been going and inviting friends to come along.”

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why? 

“Finishing my Chicago marathon. I have also done an ultra but the marathon taught me a lot about discipline, believing in myself (as I had sworn I would never ever do a marathon), and the training was a good metaphor of life.  It also opened up new doors for me and I started leading other run groups (Pacers and Arlington Track Crew)  which I enjoy to do.”

What is your favorite exercise(s)? 

“It changes from time to time but I do enjoy bootcamp style workouts, biking, dancing, and running.  I like to stay active and work towards being fit.”

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist? 

“I need to have upbeat music, so Pete’s playlists are the best for getting me to focus while doing his workouts!”

What is your favorite sports team? 

“I don’t really have any.  I know, shameful!”

Who is your favorite athlete? 

“There are many people in the various communities that I am part of that inspire me to be better.  For example, Pete from Arlington Sports Conditioning, I truly enjoy your classes.  Also my friend Gretchen Apgar who is strong and upbeat and I get a good workout when I am with her and Chris Baker who is also always up for new challenges.  I enjoy fitness and wellness, as it has made a difference in my life and surrounding myself with real-life athletes inspires and encourages me.”

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time? 

“I love music whether singing, playing, listening or dancing to it.  It is so uplifting.  I also enjoy traveling, hiking, paddle boarding, skiing (still very new to it), good movies, good food and connecting with friends.”

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning? What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?

“I enjoy the very well-planned out workouts and the vibe.  Everyone is so inspiring so when I work out, I feel like I have to step up my game.  From the instructor perspective, I appreciate Pete coming around and watching everyone’s form and he goes around and gives encouragement to folks.  From the group, folks have been welcoming and introduce themselves and made me feel welcome.  I appreciate the high-fives and Dana always has encouraging words and I just enjoy seeing what a strong community ASC is.”

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“Looking to become a better runner, be more fit, have a good time with good folks, and be challenged?  Then come join ASC!

I enjoy the variety of the workouts and that I am working on strength, agility, and speed. I feel so good after I am done.  I also appreciate that we get to do this outdoors in the summer and then some of the classes move indoors during the winter.  And once again, Pete, your playlists are awesome!” 
