Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Hillary Dang

Name: Hillary Dang

Birthday: May 21

Hometown: Fairfax, VA

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?

“I was a swimmer growing up and swam competitively in the summers starting at a very young age, and then year round for seven years until I went to college.  I also figure skated for several years.  In college, I was on the triathlon team my freshman year.”

When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?

“My twin sister, KC, told me about ASC and I went to my first workout with her in 2022.”

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?

“Finishing my first (and only) triathlon.  I fell off my bike at the end of the bike leg because my legs felt like jello and I couldn’t unclip my feet fast enough, but I still pushed myself to run (albeit slowly), and not walk, the entire last 6 miles.”

What is your favorite exercise(s)?

“Anything outside.  An occasional SoulCycle.  I also learned how to play tennis a couple years ago and wish I played more often—the hand-eye coordination is getting rusty!”

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?

“Pete’s playlists are spot on!  I would not oppose a little more Rihanna though” 🙂

What is your favorite sports team?

Washington Commanders

Who is your favorite athlete?

“The GOAT, Serena Williams”

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?

“I enjoy cooking/grilling and love checking out our local farmers markets every weekend.  I also like to read, traveling abroad when I can, and spending time with family and friends.  But being the best Auntie I can be to my young nieces and nephews (including KC’s pup!) is my favorite activity.”

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning? What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?

“The workouts are never the same, but always challenging.  Pete does a great job of mixing things up and motivating the group (who, I should add, are so friendly and encouraging too!).  I always leave feeling stronger and capable of anything the day throws at me!”  

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“You don’t have to be in the best shape of your life to attend the workouts.  Everybody is very supportive and encouraging, no matter what your fitness level, and there are always modifications available to you.  And if you keep coming back, you’ll only continue to get stronger!”
