Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Helen Tiene

Name: Helen Tiene 

Birthday: July 1

Hometown: Allentown, PA

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?

I played rec league soccer, kickball and volleyball and was on the regional championship tennis team in high school.

How did you first learn about Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“I was playing tennis every Saturday morning and Tara Dunion told me she couldn’t fill in for someone because she does this amazing track workout every Saturday morning. The next week, I skipped tennis, went to the workout, and loved it!”

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?

“Running a 6ish minute mile in my 50’s.”

What is your favorite exercise(s)?

I can’t pick just one- tennis, golf, any pickup sport, track workouts”

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?

Feel Good” by Gorillaz

What is your favorite sports team?

“PSU Nittany Lions! There was nothing like the White Out game against Michigan in 2017.”

Who is your favorite athlete?

“I’m intrigued byJolien Boumkwo- the Belgian shot putter who had to run the 100-meter hurdles at the European Team Championship when both of Belgium’s hurdlers were injured. If no one ran, Belgium would be demoted.  I love that she didn’t hesitate to step up and compete in a world championship event even though she never performed in that event before.”

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?

“I’m climbing Mt Kilimanjaro next January so I’m hiking a lot. I also like to play golf with my husband and two sons. I just started playing pickleball and I know everyone thinks it’s lame but it’s really fun and a great way to work on your reflexes!”

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning? What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?

“I can’t get over the incredibly strong sense of community this group has.  Everyone is so friendly and encouraging and has an above average sense of humor 😊 . The variety of exercises work all muscle groups and it’s easy to push yourself to improve with everyone cheering for you.”

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

Come for the exercise, stay for the fun!”
