Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Fernanda Sobral

Name: Fernanda Sobral     

Birthday: April 11

Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?

“I have always been super active and I spent most of my childhood playing soccer, volleyball, dodgeball or cricket with my neighbors. But, my athletic life started when I was in 5th grade playing Handball for my school team. Then, in 7th grade, I switched to Volleyball. In my sophomore year, I completely changed sports and started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as I always wanted to do martial arts. I practiced BJJ actively for 12 years. I am now a black belt. Nowadays, I train on and off as I like to dedicate time to other sports, such as running, sports conditioning, lifting and (back to) volleyball.”

When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?

“I’ve been a member at Gold’s Gym since 2014, when I first moved to the U.S. from Brazil. I would be at the treadmill and see the class packed every Monday, but I was shy to join (shockingly I am shy sometimes, lol). Finally, in 2019 I decided to join, and I absolutely loved it. At the time I was training for my first half-marathon, and the cross-training was really helpful.”

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?

“By far, it is getting my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt. That belt represents years and years of effort and commitment. Also, it feels great every time I complete a half-marathon. That keeps me on track regarding training harder, eating healthier and improving my daily habits.”

What is your favorite exercise(s)?

“That is a tough question to answer. I love being active, so I am happy if I am outside burning calories. My ASC friends will agree that I will never miss the Bleachers. In fact, I always try to convince someone to do an extra set with me. 😊 “

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?

“This is not a surprise to anyone: Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris are my absolutely favorites when working out.”

What is your favorite sports team?

“The Brazilian Soccer and Volleyball National Teams”

Who is your favorite athlete? Pele

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?

“Spending time with friends and traveling”

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning? What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?

“I like how it improved my performance in other sports such as jiu jitsu and running. The social aspect of it was also important to me. I made really good friends and we are always trying to do things together. I call them my ASC Family!”

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“I am a big advocate of the Sports Conditioning class. I would say that the Sports Conditioning class is a great place to push yourself, but without feeling uncomfortable if you need to respect your limits and go slower. Everybody is so nice and welcoming, and the energy of the group will make you want to go back!”
