Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Bryan Arias

Name: Bryan Arias

Birthday: February 2

Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?

I’ve been playing soccer basically since I first started walking. It’s really the only sport I played growing up. I think I got enrolled in rec soccer at around age 4, and I’ve been playing since.

I played pretty competitively growing up, and played Region 1 club soccer, which back then was the highest level of competition you could play in youth soccer. I also played varsity soccer for four years in high school, and even captained the team for three of those years. I considered playing in college, but decided against it once I heard that teams very rarely had architecture majors on their rosters.

Ultimately, I decided to play club soccer at UMD and traveled with the competition team my first two years (before architecture consumed all of my time). I did dabble in track while in high school to stay in shape for soccer, but we ran outside for the indoor seasons and I would always end up ghosting midway through the season because I hated running outside in the cold (things have changed – I now understand the concept of layers).

I lettered in outdoor track one season, but honestly never really hit good times. These days I still play soccer 2-3 times a week with my girlfriend and our friends, and try not to get (too) competitive about it, and I’ve recently started running open/master’s track meets because I’ve enjoyed the ASC Fast workouts so much.

When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?

I attended my first workout with ASC in July 2024. I had torn my hamstring playing soccer, and had been rehabbing for what felt like ages going in and out of PT at Rehab2Perform for over a year and a half.

I had been back playing soccer again more consistently for like 4 months, but was still doing PT to try and get back to full fitness. I got an email from R2P about an offer to attend a sprint workout with ASC, and was curious to challenge my progress to see how the hamstring held up.

The hamstring held up, that first workout helped me get over the mental hurdle of trusting my body and sprinting at full speed again, and I’ve been coming to workouts ever since!

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?

I’m actually a perpetual loser when it comes to soccer. I never really won much growing up – my teams seemed to always fall short. My club teams were state semifinalists something like four years in a row. I couldn’t even win District Sports soccer leagues for the longest time, also usually losing in semifinals.

I did eventually win two league titles this past summer though (after joining ASC – causal or correlated?). I’ve honestly always been proud of the process and the in-between, given that there haven’t been many “major” accomplishments, in the traditional sense like winning a trophy or winning a race.

I’m proud of the competitive level I played at, to have been made a Varsity captain for my high school team as a sophomore, and having made club soccer at UMD as the only freshman.

What is your favorite exercise(s)?

Having done so much PT for my hamstrings, I really came to enjoy RDLs [Romanian deadlifts] of all varieties because I knew they would get me closer to my goal of playing soccer again. I’ll take DL or kickstand RDLs any day and really regret them the next day when I can’t walk.

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?

I love some Eminem or Bad Bunny before a soccer game or during a workout.

What is your favorite sports team?

Real Madrid! My grandfather was a big fan his whole life, so I grew up with their games always on and inherited the fandom. People love to hate us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I enjoy watching EPL as well, and support Liverpool, but if they ever play Real Madrid I always stick with my royal whites.

Who is your favorite athlete?

Cristiano Ronaldo! He was electrifying as a younger player, and has adapted to be such a clinical player as he’s gotten older. He gave Real Madrid some of the best years in our history, and you just have to admire his mentality and the dedication to his craft in all areas of his life.

Messi is for FIFA, but Ronaldo is for the people! In Spanish speaking parts of the world Cristiano’s nickname is “El Bicho”, and my friends have adopted calling me El Bicho whenever we play soccer. I might hate losing as much as Cristiano does so it fits. Siuuu!

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?

Surprise: I watch a lot of soccer when I’m not working, working out, or playing soccer. I play fantasy football (but not NFL – sorry!)). I have an EPL fantasy league with some friends so we spend a lot of time outdoing each other every week. I like the act of cooking (not so much coming up with the actual recipes though) – I feel like it’s a great time to decompress and reflect on the day. I am definitely one of those people who likes being alone in the kitchen while I’m cooking. I’m really into coffee and enjoy making cortados at home, but am also always looking out for new coffee shops.

I’m an architect and urban designer so I like to explore the city and like offering commentary on buildings to whatever poor soul is with me (usually my gf).

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning?

I appreciate that the workouts are scalable to your fitness level or even just how you’re feeling that day. You can always get as much out of a workout as you’re willing to push yourself.

Being able to complete as many reps at whatever weight you feel comfortable with, or to run at the speed you feel is appropriate for yourself is really gratifying while also being welcoming for the whole group. It’s also just fun to get on the track and run fast!

What are the biggest benefits of being a member?

I personally really like guidance in my workouts and appreciate that Pete curates all the workouts for the group with variety each time, and with any modifications you might need.

I struggle to come up with workouts on my own (see not enjoying coming up with my own recipes above) or to push myself on my own, so having guidance and accountability to make sure I keep up with my workouts is definitely the biggest benefit for me personally.

Being able to work out and run under Pete’s guidance is a huge benefit for those who want to push themselves, or for those who potentially need that reminder to pull it back sometimes (80-90% on sprint repeats!).

If you play other sports, ASC translates really well and ensures you can keep on doing what you love.

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

Don’t be intimidated and give an ASC Strong or an ASC Fast workout a try!

Make sure to go at your own pace and level, and try to ease into the workouts to get the hang of them, learn the moves, and to allow your body to get acclimated. I was very sore after my first Fast workout. Listen to the amount of effort Pete expects per run or exercise too so you don’t overdo it.

But if you stick with it, you’ll get used to it, and it’ll hurt (a little) less over time. Ask any and all questions – Pete is happy to answer your questions or modify anything to your needs. The whole group is really welcoming as well, so don’t be shy!
