Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

ASC Athlete Profile: Jackie Rojas Lobo

Name: Jacqueline Rojas Lobo

Nickname: Jackie, TopoGigio (1960s TV children’s puppet show)

Birthday: Cinco de Mayo (05/05)

Hometown: Cochabamba, Bolivia

What is your athletic background? Did you play any sports growing up?

I only liked playing outside with my friends, didn’t enjoy sports until I migrated to Virginia. After some years of attending ASC workouts and doing Les Mills Classes I started to like running, and hiking.

When did you attend your first workout with Arlington Sports Conditioning, and how did you first learn about the group?

My first Arlington Sports Conditioning class was in 2015. I was looking at the Gold’s gym group class schedule and wanted to learn what was the class about so I attended.

What is your proudest athletic accomplishment, and why?

Considering that I didn’t play any sports while growing, completing two marathons and running three 13.1 miles running race.

What is your favorite exercise(s)?

“Sprints, Clean and press, and burpees”

What is your favorite workout song or musical artist?

“I like all songs that have high beats.”

What is your favorite sports team?

“Don’t really have one, but I have been following the Golden State Warriors.”

Who is your favorite athlete?

“Pete, David Goggins, and from recently, Jasmine Paris.”

Other than working out, how else do you like to spend your free time?

“Walking/playing with my dog, hiking.”

What do you like best about Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“I love the people and that it’s always a challenge, and pushes me to do more.”

What are the biggest benefits that you have experienced as a member?

I became stronger, smarter, healthier. I love the amazing feeling after an ASC workout.

What advice would you offer to new or prospective members of Arlington Sports Conditioning?

“Practice makes perfection. Keep coming and you will be surprised what your body/mind is capable to do.
