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Why You Should Never Accept a Counter-Offer When You Resign

According to some reports, less than 20% of people who accept a counter-offer from their current employer are still with the company one year later. Many people who accept a counter-offer still end up leaving soon for a new role. In addition, many don’t leave on their own terms. They end up getting let go. This article features two reasons why you should never accept a counter-offer when you resign.

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What to Expect When You Resign: 4 Possible Reactions from Your Boss and Co-Workers

Accepting a new job is exciting, but it can also be stressful. One of the most agonizing aspects of the process is resigning from your current role. You can never be 100% certain how your boss and co-workers will respond. However, this article highlights the four most likely reactions, along with tips to increase your chances of getting a favorable response.

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How to Resign: 3 Steps for a Smooth Exit

While much has been written on how to land your next job, little has been written on how to leave your current job. The way that you leave your current job is really important, however.

A clumsy resignation can damage your reputation, in addition to professional relationships that you have cultivated for years. In this article, you will learn how to resign. Follow these three steps and your reputation and relationships will actually get even stronger.

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5 Steps for Conducting a Reference Call

While some recruiters and hiring managers skip the referencing phase altogether (or do it merely to check a box), reference calls can provide valuable intelligence. In addition to giving you more or less confidence that a candidate is the right person for a job, reference calls can also provide excellent insights on how to help someone be even more successful after he is hired. Follow these five steps, and you will get more value from your reference calls:

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5 Types of Workplace Diversity in Addition to Race and Gender

The importance of diversity in the workplace is a popular topic right now. However, many organizations approach diversity from a narrow perspective and only consider race and gender.

To be clear, racial diversity and gender diversity are clearly very important, and many organizations still have a lot of room for improvement in these areas. However, there are other factors that also need to be addressed if you want to build a truly diverse company. This article features five types of workplace diversity in addition to race and gender.

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