Arlington Sports Conditioning - Pete Leibman

Faster. Stronger. Fitter.

Should You Hire A Consultant Or A Full-Time Employee?

As a company grows, it must look outside its current employee base for help with various projects and responsibilities. During these times, a company must decide whether it makes more sense to hire a consultant or a full-time employee. In this article, you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each option. You will also learn how to decide which kind of worker makes the most sense for a given situation.

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Why the Shutdown Is the Best Time to Recruit

During the shutdown, many executives and investors have asked me the following two questions:

  • “Is anyone hiring now?”
  • “Is now a good time to recruit?”

As an executive recruiter, I am clearly biased. However, no one can deny that the shutdown provides several key recruiting advantages. Companies who cut back on recruiting until things get back to “normal” are really going to regret their decision. Now is actually the best time to recruit. This article features three reasons why.

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